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Melik-Kazarian Artur

About me

Dr. Melik-Kazaryan Artur Semenovych

Graduated from Vinnytsia State Medical University in 1996, pediatric surgeon, pediatrician, gastroenterologist, ophthalmologist, doctor of folk and non-traditional medicine, iridologist, phytotherapist, aromatherapist, homeopath, member of the Association of Folk and Non-Traditional Medicine of Ukraine.

"Noli nocere, si juvare non potes"

Notonsorry if you can't help


My services


The method of recognizing diseases based on the iris of the eye (iris in Greek, hence iridodiagnostics - diagnosis on the iris).

Treatment with only natural herbal medicines

(NOT BAD!) and most importantly, without harmful side effects.

healing herbs

A view of the problem and an approach to its solution

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. 

The symptoms that patients present with (i.e., complaints) are the result of a violation of some mechanisms and often not in these systems. Therefore, treatment only symptomatically (complaints) will not lead to the treatment of the disease, and as a rule, after such treatment, the disease changes its "face" and manifests itself with completely different symptoms in other organs, which often forces patients to turn to specialists of a different profile for help, although the mechanism the development of the disease is the same as in previous cases.

Treatment tactics are aimed at:

  •   purification of the body from various poisons (substances of half-life, "slags") formed during improper operation of various body systems;

  •   elimination of the causes of the disease;

  •   correction of the work of those systems that are primarily involved in pathological processes, that is, these are the organs and systems whose work is disrupted initially;

  •   correction of the work of those systems that are involved in pathological processes for the second time, since there is no disease of one organ, a malfunction of one organ leads to a malfunction of the functions of other systems.


    In this way, prevention and treatment of diseases is carried out in the following areas:

  • Preventive direction:

Cleansing course - removal of half-life substances from the body (slags, poisons) that were formed during the normal life activity of prosecutor's offices and systems and normalization of the function of those systems that are in the compensation stage, i.e. transition states.

Anti-worm course for the prevention and treatment of worms in adults and children (after 3 years).

From hair loss - collections intended for the prevention and treatment of hair loss, strengthen and restore hair, eliminate dandruff and stimulate hair growth;

  • Treatment direction:

Treatment methods depend on the diagnosis. Medicinal preparations or essential oils can be used. Medical fees and oils are made individually, depending on your complaints and test results, and iridodiagnostic data. Remote iridodiagnosis and treatment are also possible.


For consultation and treatment, you can visit at:

04053, Kyiv, Lviv Square
Kiyanivskyi lane 3-7, office 113

tel. +380982700001

and to receive online services, you can visit the online services page of this site or go to this link




04053, Kyiv, Lviv Square
Kiyanivskyi lane 3-7, office 113

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